Utility/Fuel Assistance
These companies are listed in this category:
Baxter County Department of Human Services
Contact: Beth Tribble
204 Bucher Drive, Mountain Home, AR (physical) - P.O. Box 408 (mailing)
Mountain Home, AR 72653Phone: 870-425-6011
Fax: 870-424-5186
Website: www.state.ar.us/dhs
Hours of Operation: Mon-Sat 8:00 am - 4:30 pm After hours by appointments
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Description of Organizations Services:
The following are some of the services provided by the Department of Human Services. Adult Protective Services receives reports of suspected abuse/neglect and exploitation (1-800-482-8049). Elder Choices offers adult day care, chore and homemaker services, home delivered meals and more to persons 65...(Read More)
Needs of Many
Contact: Bette Gould, President
Mountain Home, AR 72653Phone: 8704043905 or 8705080185
Email: bettegwhiz@gmail.com
Hours of Operation: Telephone number up to 9:30 P.M.
Description of Organizations Services:
To join forces with churches, organizations, and individuals to better serve the needs of the community with a sharing of work and resources. Currently two campaigns each year, Take a Fan to Church in the spring and Warm Someone's Heart in the fall. Collect fans, blankets, portable heaters which we ...(Read More)
Ozark Center of Hope
Contact: Exective Director:Sandra Anderson
307 West North Street - PO Box 1317 (Mailing)
Mountain Home, AR 72654Phone: 870-508-4374
Fax: 870-508-4374
Email: arcenterofhope@yahoo.com
Hours of Operation: Tuesday & Wednesday 10-3, Thursday 10-2
Handicap Accessible: Yes
Description of Organizations Services:
We currently provide monetary assistance for rent and utilities. Working with individuals and families who have utility shut off or eviction notices. In addition we aid clients by referring them to other agencies for additional help and Spiritual counseling. We also maintain a supply of personal ca...(Read More)
Ozark Opportunities, Inc.
Contact: Terry Buttry/ John Harrison
Phone: 870-449-6250 (Marion) 870-425-5188 (Baxter)
Website: https://ozarkopp.org/
Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (closed Noon - 12:30 pm)
Description of Organizations Services:
The Baxter County office is located at 1318 Bradley Drive Suite 16 Mountain Home, AR 72653. The Marion County office is located at 300 West 11th Street Yellville, AR 72687.
Ozark Opportunities, Inc. (OOI) is a private nonprofit Community Action Agency providing low income families in 6 counties ...(Read More)
St. Peter the Fisherman Family Ministry
Contact: Lynda Barnes, Parish Secretary
249 Dyer Street - PO Box 298 (Mailing)
Mountain Home, AR 72654Phone: 870-425-2832
Fax: 870-424-5172
Email: stpeters.spcc@centurytel.net
Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Description of Organizations Services:
Clothes closet opens between 10-1 M-F. St. Vincent supplies food, help with electric bills, rent, etc. on Tue. and Thursday 10-12. Food pantry same hours as St. Vincent.
The Family Ministry runs a clothing resale shop for those in the community. Funds raised are used to help with utilities and re...(Read More)
The Salvation Army
Contact: Captain Jamie Spaulding
121 Hwy 201 North
Mountain Home, AR 72653Phone: 870-424-5708
Fax: 870-424-6940
Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Social Service hours 9:00 AM -1:00 pm
Description of Organizations Services:
Food and Clothing assistance:Monday-Friday.
Financial Asistance: Tuesday,Wednesday and Friday
Assistance provided by the salvation Army includes,but is not limited to,utility assistance(gas,water,electric),rent assistance,food and clothing assistance.On a limited basis,The salvation Army may assis...(Read More)